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1/13/2001 10:15 PM
Singing is the lowest form of communication.
Added Me Myself and I section.

1/13/2001 10:15 PM
You Better Not Be In My Ass Groove!
Added nothing... just the Simpsons quotes after the dates... it has nothing to do with Cybiko, but I thought they were funny and added some umm...  coolness to the site.

1/13/2001 10:15 PM
Ohh... loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix.
Added and removed some stuff, I removed the top sites buttons, the HTML was messed up, and I got a new counter. Also, vote for Duke's story. Click Here to go there.
Added Cybiko Quiz, and 2 articles thanks to Duke!

Thanks to Cybiko Universe for the award!

1/12/2001 6:30 PM
Where is Bart, anyway. His dinner's getting all cold and eaten.
Had to overhaul the whole site, because my computer broke, and I lost my site. It has been changed a bit. The Pics and Polls were removed and The Top 5 and Articles sections replaced it.

1/09/2001 6:42 PM
Boy, everyone is stupid except me.
Joined another top sites thing, merged with so the CyMusic™ section will be joined with their soon to be section. New Cybiko SDK came out today! Also, the Cybiko News group debuted today.

1/06/2001 11:20 AM
Silly customer, you cannot hurt a twinkie.
Added Award... did some other stuff... see for yourself.

Visitors since November 20, 2000:


All info ©2000-2001 MIke Mertz. That means dont copy ANYTHING off my site or I will have to sue you on Judge Judy.