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Description: - The Official Cybiko Web site.

Cybiko Connection- E-mail games, topsite list, reviews, news and more.

Cybiko Dev'rs- Official site of Tetris, Asteroids, and PacMan.

CybiDownloads - Cybiko Downloads and PortiCharger.

CyProgz, Inc. - Official site of Cybigo and Cymail.

Cybiko-is-On- General info,Cybiko news,game reviews,downloads etc.Just check it out!

Cybiko Mania- Cool site, nice layout, info and pics.

Cybiko Regency- Game & App. Reviews, Cybiko Top 10, Message Board, & More!

Cybiko Universe- Good site, new layout and improved!

Cybiko USA - A new site with some downloads, and a program that fixes the exit button.

CyUnion - People devoted to Cybiko Development

CybiWorld- An awesome Cybiko site, another must visit.

Cybiko Zone- New site with lots of information on the Cybiko. Simple layout makes the loading time fast!

E-Cybiko- A great Cybiko site. Cool design and other stuff. Free Stuff, too.

Palmed-Off- Reviews, link database, live support, message boards, and a points program coming soon!

Codes, Games and more- This is my first web site ever, and is OK. It needs work, but all work has been put on hold until this one is complete.

All info ©2000-2001 MIke Mertz. That means dont copy ANYTHING off my site or I will have to sue you on Judge Judy.