Hints and Tips

Fn + F1 Toggle mute on/off
Fn + F2 Toggle brightness
Fn + F3 Toggle vibration on/off
Fn + F4 Toggle alarm on/off
Fn + F5 Toggle communications on/off
Fn + F6 Toggle Power Saver Enable/Disable (v. 55)
Fn + F7 View E-mail status (v.55)

Charge your batteries overnight! Turn mute on, vibration and communications off to conserve battery power.
Get the case! It drastically extends the life of the screen and keeps it in overall better shape. Or buy the plastic film used on Palm Pilots (I think their called Write Right, 20 in a case for about 20 bucks)
Clean the battery contacts (4 on the batteries, 4 in the compartment) every month or so. This will also conserve battery power.
Don't place the Cybiko near magnets. This will mess up the electronics.
Put CyBasic on your Cybiko! It is great for math problems such as the quadratic equation (Used in Algebra I and II) It saves me a great deal of time on my homework!
If you press Space on the Main Desktop it shows the enlarged time.
If you press Ins on the Main Desktop it scouts for fellow Cybiko users within
your radius.

Thanks to everyone that E-mailed me Hints & Tips! :)
If there's anything I missed E-mail me.


All info ©2000-2001 MIke Mertz. That means dont copy ANYTHING off my site or I will have to sue you on Judge Judy.